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November 8th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “Addressing Autoimmune Diseases: The Tiger Protocol” with Akil Palanisamy, MD

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Main Presentation: “Addressing Autoimmune Diseases: The Tiger Protocol” with Akil Palanisamy, MD Nov 8th, 2023 @10 am PST   Autoimmune diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent affecting approximately ten percent of the population. In the US autoimmune diseases affect an estimated twenty-five million people. It is the fastest-growing category of disease. It can take decades between […]

October 24th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “Reversing Scoliosis, Kyphosis and Other Spinal Abnormalities” by Jesse Jutkowitz, DC

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Main Presentation: “Reversing Scoliosis, Kyphosis and Other Spinal Abnormalities” by Jesse Jutkowitz, DC Oct 24th, 2023 @ 9am PST Abnormalities such as kyphosis and scoliosis make the skeleton look deformed. Doctors report there is nothing that can be done except surgery.   Chiropractors in the past mistakenly tried to pound the spine back into shape.  As we like […]

September 13th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “Addressing Autoimmune Diseases: The Tiger Protocol” with Akil Palanisamy, MD

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CANCELLED  Main Presentation: “Addressing Autoimmune Diseases: The Tiger Protocol” with Akil Palanisamy, MD Sep 13th, 2023 @11 am PST   Autoimmune diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent affecting approximately ten percent of the population. In the US autoimmune diseases affect an estimated twenty-five million people. It is the fastest-growing category of disease. It can take decades […]

August 8th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “Steps For Natural Vision Improvement” by Meir Schneider

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Main Presentation: “Steps For Natural Vision Improvement” by Meir Schneider August 8th ,2023 @ 11 am PST The Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method combines breathing, unique bodywork, movement and visualization techniques that can help anyone to become more aware of their own body and be empowered to take charge of their own healing. His method is effective to […]

August 1st, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “Thriving In The 21st Century: A Deep Dive Into Immune Health” with Russell Jaffe, M.D., Ph.D., CCN

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Main Presentation: “Thriving in the 21st Century: A Deep Dive Into Immune Health” with Russell Jaffe, M.D., Ph.D., CCN August 1st, 2023 @ 8am PST The immune system naturally defends and repairs but when there is an immune burden then defense takes a back seat – “repair deficit” or inflammation, acute or chronic sets in. This is a […]

July 10th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “How Reducing Inflammation and Understanding the Gut Microbiome Can Impact and Reverse Chronic Unexplained Illnesses” by Jose G Montoya, MD and Christine Rosche, M.P.H, C.N.S.

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Main Presentation: “How Reducing Inflammation and Understanding the Gut Microbiome Can Impact and Reverse Chronic Unexplained Illnesses” by Jose G Montoya, MD and Christine Rosche, M.P.H, C.N.S.  July 10th, 2023 @ 12 pm PST The world just witnessed the devastation brought by a significant virus pandemic.  A hyper-belligerent immune system is the primary reason the serious […]

June 13th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “Making Aging Optional: How To Reverse Aging, Reverse The Biological Clock and Promote Longevity” by Joshua Helman, MD

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Main Presentation: “Making Aging Optional: How To Reverse Aging, Reverse The Biological Clock and Promote Longevity” by Joshua Helman, MD June 13th, 2023 @ 3pm PST Over half of the population including children have at least one chronic disease.   The general health in Western countries is getting worse over time.    Most expect that health further deteriorates with […]

May 16th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “Mitochondria: The Key To Health And Energy” by Dr. Tim Jackson DPT, CNS

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Main Presentation:”Mitochondria: The Key To Health And Energy” by Dr. Tim Jackson DPT, CNS May 16th, 2023 @ 11 am PST Each and every one of our cells contains mitochondria.  Mitochondria are known as the “power plants” of cells because they convert oxygen to energy.  Since they are the source of all cellular energy, optimal mitochondrial function […]

April 18th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “Steps for Natural Vision Improvement” by Meir Schneider

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Main Presentation: “Steps for Natural Vision Improvement” by Meir Schneider  April 18, 2023 @ 11:00 am PST The Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method combines breathing, unique bodywork, movement and visualization techniques that can help anyone to become more aware of their own body and be empowered to take charge of their own healing. His method is effective […]

April 6th, 2023 Meeting (ZOOM): “Preventing Heart Disease and Cognitive Decline” by Dayan Goodenowe, PhD

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Main Presentation: “Preventing Heart Disease and Cognitive Decline” by Dayan Goodenowe, PhD April 6th, 2023 @ 11am PST The optimal goal is a goal we all aspire to. What steps, lifestyle changes will get us there? One measure of progress towards unwanted diseases is plamaologens. Dr. Goodenowe will discuss how we can move towards optimal […]


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